How can we get over nightmares and why do we have them?

Nimra Shahid
3 min read5 days ago


A nightmare is a disturbing dream that might keep us awake and make us feel scared, nervous and uneasy. although the precise purpose of nightmare is still unknown, research point to a few possible explanations, including the release of emotions, processing of traumatic events, or activation of the threat response in our brain. Although having a nightmare might be upsetting, there are a few coping mechanisms that can help lessen their frequency.

To get past nightmares:

Engage in regular relaxation exercise:

Deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or mediation are example of regular relaxation exercise that can help lower stress and anxiety levels and improve the managements of the nightmares.

keep a dream diary:

by jotting down your dreams and nightmares, you can better understand reoccurring themes and triggers, which can help you deal with them throughout the day.

Take care of underlying psychological problems:

nightmare may indicate the presence of PTSD, anxiety, or depression among other psychological distressing conditions. by adressing these underlying problems, getting professional assistance might lessen the frequency of nightmares.

Develop better sleeping habits:

you can lower the frequency of nightmares and increase the quality of tour sleep by making a peaceful sleeping environment, avoiding stimulating activities just before bed, and establishing a regular sleep schedule.

Give imagery rehearsal therapy a try:

this method helps you to take control of the content of your dreams by rewriting the story of your nightmare into a less scenario.

Take into consideration CBT

CBT is a cognitive behavioral therapy, which can assist you in addressing underlying concerns and phobias that are causing your dreams.

Look for support:

you may feel less alone and more supported, if you talk about your experiences to your family members, close friends, peers and support group.

create a comfort sleep environment:

keep your bedroom clean, quiet dark and cold to create a sleeping environment. a comfortable mattress and comfy bedding might also helps you get a better night sleep.

Establish a Calm evening Routine:

Your body will respond more calmly and quietly if you have a tranquil evening routine. This could involve reading, having a warm bath, or engaging in relaxation exercises like meditation or deep breathing.

Recall the conquering dreams requires patience and time. treat yourself with kindness and don’t be afraid to get expert assistance if your dreams get worse or don’t go away. Sometimes treating nightmares involves understanding their possible causes. Seeking advice and support from a healthcare expert or therapist can be beneficial if nightmares are bothersome or persistent.

