Drying :-

Nimra Shahid
2 min readJun 25, 2024


  • The process of Removal of water or any solvent from a substance by evaporation is called Drying.
  • Source of evaporation is heat.

Importance of drying in pharmaceuticals:-

  • This process is mostly used as a finals production step before packing the products .
  • Dry products is more stable than moist one.
  • Drying increase the stability of drug.

Equipments used for drawing :-

  1. Belt dryer
  2. Vaccume tray dryer

Belt dryer :-

Belt dryers mostly used for the drying of:

  1. Chemicals
  2. Granules
  3. Food items
  4. Raw material in pharma industries

Principal of belt dryer :-

Liquid is removed from material by using heat.

Parts of belt dryer:-

  • Heating plates
  • Horizontal conveyor belt
  • Pully
  • Feeding point
  • Collecting point
  • Control panel

Working of belt dryer :-

  • The material is evenly spread on the conveyor belt by feeding device.
  • Movement of belt is controlled by a control panel.
  • Dry air is transported by the fan on the material from top to bottom or bottom to top position.
  • The drive material is pushed into collecting point.

Vacuum tray Drayer :-

  • The apparatus is used to dry oxygen sensitive and hygroscopic products.
  • It is most commonly used batch dryer.

Parts of vacuum tray dryer:-

  1. Steam or water jacket
  2. Condenser
  3. Tray
  4. Vacuum pump
  5. Door

Working of vacuum tray dryer:-

  • Vacuum is applied inside the chamber .
  • It is a box shape apparatus with door.
  • Trays are placed in the chamber on which material to be dried is placed.
  • Because of vacuum boiling point of liquid decrease.
  • By conduction mechanism heat is transferred to the material placed on trays.
  • Vapours passed through condenser then condensate collected into receiver.
  • Then collect dried sample from the trays.

